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/ United Public Domain Gold 1 / United Public Domain Gold 1 .iso / fonts / stencil / 24 / stencil-24.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1988-02-16  |  17KB
Labels: door | paper | reckoner | road | sky | stairs | stairway | web site | window
OCR: cbccleigh i ijkimnoparstuuxyz ABCDEFGHI iKL MNOPQRS TUUYXYZ 0123456 739 #$%^&*() +=>,<.[I{}|S The quick brown fox jumps over the Icizy clog. 1 The quick brown fox scun! ouer the XZDI cog The quick UMO.ICI fox scun! over the XZDI Sop 36 The quick UNYOJICj foX iumps ouer the XZDI Sop The qu ick UrMO.ICI foX scun! over the Icizy ckg. 60 The qu ick brown toX scluun! ouer the Icizy The cu ick brown sclun! over th cibccle ABCDEFGHIjKLi MNOPQRSTUUWXYZ 23456 suick schun ckog bron